Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Self Assessment Free Essays
Regardless of whether it Is concerning family, companions or colleagues we continually do self evaluations. Self-evaluation Is characterized as a procedure through which Individuals gain information about themselves. This incorporates data about their preferences just as their responses to explicit circumstances. We will compose a custom exposition test on Self Assessment or then again any comparative theme just for you Request Now By find out about themselves, people can have the option to decide the work circumstances and occupations that are generally fitting for them. There are a few exercises that can be gained from self-evaluation corresponding to singular dynamic. This examination paper will analyze uncover the sores gained from self appraisal. We will see of the Influence of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) as a directing power In setting moral guidelines in the medicinal services industry. This will lead us to talk about how our individual morals impact our dynamic. Ultimately, a defined system on improving future dynamic will be clarified. Self-appraisals of an individual’s capacities have demonstrated to assume a major job in profession based dynamic. Self-evaluations likewise fill in as a profound situated Information source which gives a premise to dynamic. A genuine model Is simply the Jungian Personality Assessment which was created from the hypotheses of character types via Carl Jung (Sedgwick, 2008). This sort of self-evaluation was at first made with the point of helping ladies over the span of the Second World War so as to allow them to enter the workforce. There was a stamped accomplishment in the Jungian Personality Self-Assessment which was in the long run distributed in the year 1962 (Junker, 2005). Self-appraisals empower members to know about their character types. This In turn encourages Individuals to decide if they religion in explicit connections, Jobs, learning styles, instructive interests and methods for self-awareness. The Western Nevada College noticed that self-appraisals are not used to characterize an individual yet they empower individuals to make sense of different sorts of characters and their suggestions. People with various character types normally seek after differing points of view, intrigue, inspirations and practices. Familiarity with character types empowers individuals o fathom and worth others who act and think in an unexpected way. Consequently, mindfulness about one’s character type Is the most vital advance towards Individual dynamic procedure (Junker, 2005). In knowing one’s character it can shape one’s perspectives on moral dynamic, particularly in the domain of human services the board. Medicinal services administrators frequently face circumstances that are morally perplexing for example, assurance of responsibility for clinical blunders. Human services affiliations and I associations endeavor to guarantee poise, keep up moral norms ND guarantee predominant nature of care inside the calling of medication. Be that as it may, It can be very testing to maintain the previously mentioned guidelines practically speaking because of the mind boggling nature of circumstances going up against medicinal services directors (Morrison, 2009). The American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Code of morals is kept up by the association. The code of morals is answerable for setting norms of moral conduct relating to social insurance callings In their relationship with patients. Hurt norms give a gulled with regards to how social insurance experts need to perform fundamental expert exercises. As indicated by ACHE cook AT morals, social insurance experts should rehearse with uprightness, trustworthiness, reasonableness, regard and great confidence (Morrison, 2009). Hurt principles assume a major job of advancing administrative morals inside the human services calling, which is the way to moral dynamic. As per a report by an American Medical Association, setting more structures on moral dynamic aides in improving administrative morals inside the medicinal services calling. Consequently, ACHE gauges upgrade the attention on objectives and structures inside the medicinal services association. Therefore, this guarantees expanded moral responsibility on the social insurance experts bringing about improved moral dynamic procedure (Morrison, 2009). Consequently, it clear that the ACHE principles give a thorough moral course to wellbeing administration experts. In spite of the advantageous impacts of the guidelines, a careful examination of the ACHE code was finished. It calls attention to the way that it neglects to adequately address different moral issues relating to oversaw care. This powers us to test our own morals at a more profound level. Singular morals allude to the capacity to separate cap is directly based on what's going on. This may involve individual qualities, standards and convictions. The impact of individual convictions and qualities just as the estimations of the collaborators greatly affects an individual’s dynamic (Farrell, Frederica and Farrell, 2006). While a few associations urge their representatives to think of moral decisions, different associations lead to advancement of corrupt direct inside their workers. There is a presumption that numerous individuals settle on decisions which are grounded on their own qualities and convictions. As per social researchers, there re different variables that impact moral dynamic, and individual components are among the noteworthy elements to consider. One of the extraordinary difficulties experienced comparable to hierarchical morals is that of individual moral qualities. Singular elements are fundamental in the goals of moral issues of concern. Debates between colleagues as a rule develop in an association or working environment, and choices made so as to determine the contentions depend on the clashing gatherings moral ways of thinking and convictions. The significance of moral issues mirrors the sentiments of an individual once starting the procedure of moral dynamic (Farrell, et al. , 2006). It is in this manner clear that an individual’s convictions and qualities assume a vital job in moral dynamic. Be that as it may, it is vital that people choices are subject to an organization’s moral atmosphere, culture and weight from administrators and colleagues. Each association has its own moral atmosphere that significantly affects its employees’ dynamic procedure (Farrell, et al. , 2006). - But a spotlight ought to be put on improving future choices. Numerous significant results of families, people, social orders, associations and governments are molded by the different choices made. It is in this manner fundamental to figure proper techniques to improve dynamic later on. Because of the gigantic costs that might be brought about by unreasonable and unsound dynamic, it is crucial to lay incredible accentuation and exertion in thinking of procedures that can improve the demonstration of dynamic (Feldman, 2002). One successful technique that can be utilized to improve dynamic is enhancing. Through enhancing, an individual can pick the most ideal response to a given issue. It is as a matter of first importance fundamental to decide a rundown of choices from which one can have the option to pick the most reasonable arrangement or choice to receive I en tentativeness AT advancing methodology apneas AT ten cost Involved Walt elective arrangements, significance of the issue, singular qualities, time accessibility and accessibility of information and assets (Feldman, 2002). Associations can utilize an inspiration system so as to improve dynamic procedure later on. Through inspiration, individuals can increase fearlessness and get the opportunity to put stock in destitute. One of the significant angles to settling on legitimate choices is having a faith in oneself. Individuals who are certain have a high likelihood of settling on fitting choices. Subsequently, it is fundamental for associations to have persuasive pioneers who can propel the representatives they oversee (Feldman, 2002). Sooner or later in our life we, intentional or automatic, take a self-appraisal. It is from this that we realize who we genuinely are. A technique, for example, the Jungian Personality Self-Assessment presented via Carl Jung is a great evaluation to test who we truly are. It could be contended that a scarce difference exists between knowing what your identity is and the morals that direct us. For those people in human services, when strolling that scarcely discernible difference having the code of morals as set forth by the ACHE to direct ones dynamic guides to lessen to intercession of individual emotions when proficient choices are made. To guarantee this, beseeching the procedure of streamlining to come to the best end result has yielded victories. The capacity to isolate individual from proficient is significant and self-appraisals can help in that system. References Feldman, D. A. (2002). Step by step instructions to refer to Self Assessment, Papers
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Walt Disney World and Its Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Walt Disney World and Its Organizations - Essay Example Since its development, the organization has delivered numerous films that have topped the US just as UK graphs (The Walt Disney Company, ‘Company Overview’). The paper incorporates the company’s crucial vision alongside the company’s various auxiliaries. Strategic Vision of The Walt Disney Company The Walt Disney Company is an America based worldwide organization. Initially, the strategic The Walt Disney Company was to ‘nurture the minds of kids far and wide just as to observe American values’ (Reocities, ‘The Walt Disney Company-a Case Study’). The crucial states the company’s tasks. A large portion of the company’s tasks are youngsters situated. As it has been expressed in their crucial, kids are the principle focal point of the authoritative tasks and even the different auxiliary exercises sorted out by the organization are diversion just as kids arranged (The Walt Disney Company, ‘Company Overview’). Be that as it may, the crucial the organization has changed expressing to be â€Å"one of the world’s driving makers and suppliers of diversion and data. Utilizing our arrangement of brands to separate our substance, administrations and buyer items, we look to build up the most inventive, imaginative and gainful amusement encounters and related items in the world†(Duran and Et. Al., â€Å"The Walt Disney†).... The Walt Disney Studios The Walt Disney Studios can be considered as the establishment of Disney. This unbelievable organization began its excursion from this achievement. The Walt Disney Studios is eminent for its ‘animated includes and live movement pictures’ (The Walt Disney Company, ‘Company Overview’). The characters it made incorporate Mickey Mouse and companions, which are the movement legends. The organization is viewed as the world’s absolute first full length liveliness maker with its made character Mickey Mouse and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (The Walt Disney Company, ‘Company Overview’). Appropriation of movies is finished by The Walt Disney Studios under its associated association, Walt Disney Pictures. Walt Disney Pictures incorporates its other unified organizations, for example, DisneyToon Studios, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios. The organization had p rocured the organization, Pixar, in May of the year 2006. Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures International is another fragment of the organization which works in worldwide dispersion of the movies. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment is the portion of the organization which bargains in circulation of the films of Disney just as different motion pictures through the methods for rental and sells by home amusement markets, for example, DVDs (The Walt Disney Company, ‘Company Overview’). The nearness of The Walt Disney Company likewise can be set apart in the theaters. The organization possesses Disney Theatrical Productions House which is likewise viewed as among the main makers of the renowned Broadway musicals. This additionally comprises of
Friday, July 31, 2020
Wheres the Weirdest Place Youve Talked Books
Wheres the Weirdest Place Youve Talked Books One of the very best things about being a Book Person is meeting other Book PeopleI am firmly convinced that book people are the best people, even if I do hate talking to them on planes. Whether we read the same books or not, all of us who love books share a common language. We know what it means to experience the world through the lens of literature and to make sense of our experiences by reading. When theres no other obvious conversation topic available, we always have books to fall back on. And so I find myself talking about books in strange situations. Not just at dinner parties and my husbands work functions. Not just in line at the post office or with the cute guy at the gym who asks about my Fahrenheit 451 tattoo. Oh no, that would be far too normal. The more awkward and uncomfortable the situation, the more likely I am to start talking about books. And when I wish we could just be silent and not talk about anything, but talking seems to be required? You guessed it, Im going to books. A selection of weird places and situations in which Ive talked about books recently: During my annual visit to the Lady Doctor. This one happens every year. I love my Lady Doctor, and I appreciate that she always remembers what I do and takes time to ask what Im reading. But really! Does anything say, Lets try to pretend like everything is cool and youre not wearing a paper gown while I touch your privatest private parts like, So, read any good books lately? The universe seems to conspire to make this annual conversation hilarious, as two years ago the book I was reading at the time was a gynecologists memoir called Whats Up Down There?, and this year it was a collection of essays about Judy Blume. Achievement unlocked: talk about Are You There God, Its Me, Margaret? with a doctor who specializes in periods. At a funeral. When my grandfather passed away a few years ago (he was 95 and had lived quite a life), I found myself in a Holiday Inn in a small town in Georgia that is so far south its practically in Florida. It was the middle of the summer, and even the mosquitoes had sunburns. During the visitation (southern Methodists dont call it a wake), I discovered that my mother, being the proud mama that she is, had told the funeral director and a bunch of my grandparents friends about my job. So there I stood, shaking hands with strangers and accepting condolencesand talking about books. Through a dressing room door at Nordstrom. I do not like shopping for clothes. Its time consuming, and big stores have so many choices that I never know where to start, and Im short and hard to fit, and the whole experience is generally frustrating and what Charles Barkley would call turrible. But having someone else do the shopping so all I have to do is try on clothes? Amazing. Nordstrom has a (free!) personal shopper service I discovered a few years ago, and whenever I go now, I talk about books with the shopper while she hangs out on the other side of the door. It distracts me from the million little things I find annoying about trying on clothes, and it helps her understand exactly how nerdy I am so she wont try to put me in that 80s-style-yet-somehow-fashion-forward splatter painted blazer with shoulder pads again. I am not that cool, and now she knows. In more Uber cars than I can count. Okay, talking books with a driver may not seem that unusual, but you should know that I make it a mission in life to space out while riding in taxis, collect my thoughts, enjoy the silence (when I can get it), and not talk. Im not rude, I just dont want to chat. But something happens when I use the Uber car service. I cant resist talking to the drivers, usually about how awesome Uber is (you request a car from an app on your phone, and then it appears like magic, then they charge your credit card for the ride and the tip, and you never have to open your wallet), and we always make our way around to, So, what do you do? And from there its all books all the time, baby. During a bikini wax. Something about baring my parts makes me want to bare my soul. Or maybe being physically naked makes it easier to be emotionally naked. Who knows. But there I lay, capitulating to contemporary societys impossible standards of feminine beauty, talking to the aesthetician about Justin Cronins The Passage. And then about Colson Whiteheads Zone One. And then we took a brief detour onto reality TV and the Doomsday Preppers series (because zombies). We came full circle with, Did you read Fifty Shades of Grey? Yes, honey. Yes I did. So you know its gonna take more than a little wax-and-chat to make me uncomfortable. Ive shown you mine, readers, now its your turn. Weirdest place youve talked about books? _________________________ Sign up for our newsletter to have the best of Book Riot delivered straight to your inbox every two weeks. No spam. We promise. To keep up with Book Riot on a daily basis, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, , and subscribe to the Book Riot podcast in iTunes or via RSS. So much bookish goodnessall day, every day.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Invisible Man By Ralph Ellison - 1415 Words
Ralph Ellison’s Bildungsroman, Invisible Man, was published in 1952 but is a recollection of the narrator’s experiences during the 1930s. The unnamed narrator tells his story retrospectively, speaking in the present tense during the prologue and epilogue but switching to the past when recounting his story. At the present time during the prologue, the narrator is living in a â€Å"basement shut off and forgotten,†as he puts it, draining free power from the Monopolated Electric Company, having secluded himself from the rest of society. Having gone through much agony throughout his life, the narrator decides to step back from society, to stay underground, and only then does he discover the truth. As it is often true that appearance does not equal†¦show more content†¦The narrator looks inside himself and at society in the ever famous question of â€Å"Who am I?†Another reason why the narrator decides to stay underground is that he wishes to find the truth about society. The narrator says in the epilogue: â€Å"and the mind that has conceived a plan of living must never lose sight of the chaos against which that pattern was conceived. That goes for societies as well as for individuals†(Ellison 580). The narrator takes a step back from life as he knows it to survey exactly what is going on. He attempts to give a â€Å"pattern to the chaos†and find the truth about the world. This is a very similar situation to what is going on in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. In this book, three men are tied by their hands and feet to a rock in a cave, and their heads are forced to point directly at the cave wall. All three of the men were born in the cave in this position and none have ever seen outside of the cave. Behind the three men is a fire, and in between the men and the fire is a walkway. People walking along this walkway carrying various items on their heads, thus projecting shadows onto the wall in front of the men. The men see the shadows and naturally assume that the shadows are real beings walking in front of them (Trumpeter). One day, one of the men escapes his bindings and leaves the cave. HeShow MoreRelatedInvisible Man By Ralph Ellison1366 Words  | 6 Pagesfighter left standing, amidst unbridled carnage. The titular narrator of Ralph Ellison s novel Invisible Man, is no stranger to those experiences. In the beginning, he is forced to fight several other black boxers for the amusement of many heckling, white spectators. Through the imaginative use of objects, symbols, allusions, and the actions, thoughts, and purposes of the spectators, pugilists and risquà © entertainment, Ellison seeks to express a powerful image of American race relations and womenRead MoreInvisible, Invisible Man, By Ralph Ellison1994 Words  | 8 PagesInvisible Race and Gender in Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison In Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, the unnamed narrator shows us through the use motifs and symbols how racism and sexism negatively affect the social class and individual identity of the oppressed people. Throughout the novel, the African American narrator tells us the story of his journey to find success in life which is sabotaged by the white-dominated society in which he lives in. Along his journey, we are also shown how the patriarchyRead MoreInvisible Man By Ralph Ellison1246 Words  | 5 Pagesauthor of Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison, was born March 1st, 1914, and died April 16, 1994. He was born in Oklahoma City and named after Ralph Waldo Emerson, a famous journalist and poet. When Ellison was 3, his father died of a work-related accident, leaving his mother to care for him and his younger brother. As a young boy, he always wanted to major in music, and he went to Tuskegee University to become a composer and performer of music. The summer before his senior year in college, Ellison went toRead MoreThe Invisible Man By Ralph Ellison Essay2164 Words  | 9 Pagestrying to rebel against the status quo. Protest literature emerged from the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920’s to 1930’s. Protest literature is used to address real socio-political issues and express objections against them. In his novel, The Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison exposes the racism in society by focusing on the culture, in regards to the expected assimilation of African Americans and how the time period largely influenced the mistreatment of the African American population. He also uses symbolsRead MoreInvisible Man By Ralph Ellison1277 Words  | 6 PagesInvisible Man, by Ralph Ellison, is a story about a young African American man whose color renders him invisible. The theme of racism as a hurdle to individual identity is present throughout the story in a variety of examples. From the beginning of the novel the theme of identity is evident as the narrator states, †Å"All my life I had been looking for something, and everywhere I turned someone tried to tell me what I was†(Ellison, p. 1254). In the midst of living in a racist American society the speakersRead MoreInvisible Man By Ralph Ellison909 Words  | 4 PagesInvisible Man by Ralph Ellison is a novel which embodies the universal theme of self-discovery, of the search to figure out who one truly is in life which we all are embarked upon. Throughout the text, the narrator is constantly wondering about who he really is, and evaluating the different identities which he assumes for himself. He progresses from being a hopeful student with a bright future to being just another poor black laborer in New Your City to being a fairly well off spokesperson for aRead MoreThe Invisible Man By Ralph Ellison977 Words  | 4 PagesBook Review: Invisible Man Invisible Man is an American Literature novel published by Ralph Ellison in 1952. The novel traces the experiences of a young college black man growing up in Harlem, New York. Attempting to succeed in a predominantly white society, the narrator encounters shocks and disillusionments from being expelled from college to hiding in an underground hole to protect himself from the people above. He lives a repressed life as an â€Å"Invisible Man†for he believes that society ignoresRead MoreInvisible Man By Ralph Ellison1032 Words  | 5 Pageslike modern society some people leads, and others will follow. Subjects will conditionally generate their own ideas and realize these ideas rather than just be assigned tasks that question their beliefs. The author Ralph Ellison illustrates it best. Ellison’s realistic fiction Invisible Man perpetuates the manifestation of manipulation over the minorities in this society. As the narrator embraces every identity he has been given, h e starts to become more independent, and a leader in his community. Read MoreThe Invisible Man By Ralph Ellison3051 Words  | 13 Pagesportrayed through the narrator’s, the invisible man, journey through life. The problems with society are foreshadowed by the racism and the symbols of the color white presented in the paint plant. â€Å"The Invisible Man†by Ralph Ellison depicts the African Americans struggle to be viewed as an equal member of society through the narrators struggles through life to discover his individuality or place in society while the white man or the community conspires to â€Å"keep the black man down†. The story follows theRead MoreInvisible Man By Ralph Ellison1481 Words  | 6 PagesInvisible Man is a novel by Ralph Ellison, published in 1952. It addresses many of the social and intellectual issues facing African-Americans in the early twentieth century. This includes black nationalism, the relationship between black identity a nd Marxism, and the reformist racial policies of Booker T. Washington, as well as issues of individuality and personal identity. The grandson of slaves, Ralph Ellison was born in 1914 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and was raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma. His
Sunday, May 10, 2020
An Overview of ABC Plc - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2355 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Case study Did you like this example? Table of Contents Company Overview UK operation Overview Tax Changes in UK U.S.A Operation Overview Japan Operation Overview Investment Country Analysis Regulation and Rules Tax and Licensing Cost Local Analysis Challenges: Economic Development in the region Risk Factors Economic Condition Legal un-certainty Regulatory and Tax Risk Security Concern Efficient Operation Customer Analysis Recommendations References Table of Figures Company Overview ABC Plc, a large multinational Oil and Gas Company, operates in USA, UK and Japan and its main activities are drilling, refining and distributing oil and gas. ABC Plc has not been making profits for the last 3 years in USA and Japan due to severe economic recession and management is planning to cease US and Japanese activities because of continuous loss. Current profit and loss account of the company performance reveals the following information. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "An Overview of ABC Plc" essay for you Create order  £m USA Japan UK All Total Cost 950 700 450 2100 Less: Variable Cost 750 500 250 1500 Total Fixed Cost 200 200 200 600 Sales Revenue 700 650 800 2150 Group Net Profit 500 450 600 50 Contribution cost (50) 150 550 650 Fixed Cost 200 200 200 600 Profit/Loss (250) (50) 350 50 Above calculation of ABC Plcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s profit and loss shows that company is facing hurdles in U.S and Japan operations are in severe loss especially in U.S business. In order to affirm the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s decision to close the U.S and Japan operation, analysis of all countries in which company operation is required. Following is the overview of the company country based operations. UK operation Overview UKà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s majority Oil reserves are located offshore in the UK continental shelf (UKCS), and most of the oil production occurs in the central and northern sections of the North Sea. Even though on shore there is a diffident amount of oil produced, in 2012 more than 90 percent of total UK production were offshore. (United Kingdom Analysis, 2013) Although UKà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s reservoirs are aging and infrastructure have been affected the oil production in last few years, The government of UK does not hold any direct interest in oil production, but this sector remains important to the government because Corporation Tax and Supplementary Tax income comes from the Oil sector and accounts almost 25 percent of corporate tax receipts, according to Oil and Gas UK. (United Kingdom Analysis, 2013) Tax Changes in UK There have been a number of tax changes from 2011 that affected the sector, which includes the change in the rate of supplementary charge (an addition to the corporate tax). Furthermore, petroleum revenue tax (PRT) is increased to 81 percent of their profits (previous 75% rate), and fields that are not subject to PRT now pay a 62% tax (50-percent rate in the past). (United Kingdom Analysis, 2013) Because of the increase in taxes most of the UK projects have become less competitive. Operating cost increase with higher taxes has resulted in decreased investment. Even without the increased taxes, operating costs in the UK were very high which also discourage investors. U.S.A Operation Overview U.S Oil production has boomed from last decade making U.S to less rely on oil imports and other countries. But this increase has come with the greater cost. Also it is speculated that this boom will not last more than a decade resulting in depletion of resources and maturing the reserves. Big players in the sector are profiting from the boom but increased legislation and laws including labor etc. making it difficult for the small firms to survive and continue production. Cost Inflation rate in USA is increasing making companies more to spend on operations without meeting the demand to increase activity and production volumes. Also the price changing un-certainty challenging the capital budgeting and estimated net income, large expansion and development is also on going. It will be hard to invest in new sites for small players. Figure 1 U.S Energy Information Administration Japan Operation Overview Japan is the worlds largest liquefied natural gas importer, second largest coal importer, and third largest net oil importer. Domestic oil reserves are very limited, according to theOil and Gas Journal(OGJ). Reserves amounted 44 million barrels as of January 2013. Japans domestic oil reserves are found primarily along the countrys western coastline.(Japan Analysis , 2013) Because of the deficiency in reserves and recent climate changes after Fukushima incident Japanese government and energy companies have decide to pursue active participation in investing oil and natural gas projects overseas. To meets its oil consumption demand Japan relies almost solely on imports. Government controls oil stocks to maintain the supply without any interruption. Total strategic crude oil stocks in Japan were 590 million barrels at the end of December 2012, According to the International Energy Agency. In this stock 55% were government stocks and 45% commercial stocks. Because of the reserv e declining Japans natural gas production has been low and flat for over a decade. In 2012, production was 116 Bcf, a decline from an average of 185 Bcf over the past 10 years. (Japan Analysis , 2013) Investment Country Analysis The fact of foreign direct investment was cleared for the developing countries, they knew that FDI will bring change and transform their economies, bringing more jobs and capital ensuring the economic growth of the region. Because of this realization, developing countries are strongly encouraged to privatize state-owned industries and to give priority to attract foreign. Sub Sahara region of Africa is fulfilled with resources both oil and gas and continually booming from last few years. Many of the foreign companies are taking interest to invest in the region. For ABC PLCà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s future investment in case of closure of U.S and Japan operation the best option to invest is Congo, a small African country with abundance of natural resources reserves. According to the latest estimates fromOil Gas Journal(OGJ) released in January 2014, Congo holds 1.6 billion barrels of proved crude oil reserves. This reserve is equivalent to 17.9 years of current production and 0.11 % of the worlds total reserves. Production is average of 295.4 thousand barrels of crude oil per day in 2011, 0.38% of the world and a change of 0.9 % compared to 2010. (CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE), 2014) According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), 87% of the countrys export revenues and almost 80% of the governments total revenue in 2011 are coming from oil sector which shows that economy of Congo is highly dependent on its oil production. (CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE), 2014) Because of the lack of proper infrastructure small amount of natural gas has been commercialized. Despite the fact that Congo holds sizable proved natural gas reserves. Regulation and Rules Congoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s oil and gas reserves are managed by the Ministry of Mines, Energy, and Water Resources. Government use production sharing agreements (PSAs) for Oil and Gas exploration and production operations. Societe Nationale des Petroles du Congo (SNPC) is the Congos national hydrocarbon company, which manages government-owned shares in hydrocarbon operations. (CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE), 2014) SNPC has an operating interest alongside international oil companies (IOCs) through PSAs, which also include tax breaks and a royalty system. There are several IOCs, such as Chevron, Perenco, Murphy Oil, and SOCO Internationals, that participate in the oil and gas industries, but the companies that dominant the industries are Total and Eni. Tax and Licensing Cost Congoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Licensing Laws are in accordance with Production Sharing Agreements (PSAà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s) and very favorable for investors. The laws take oil production royalty of 15% from investors with transportation and processing costs, reducing the rate to 12-14% and a gas production royalty of 5%. Oil recovery cost is up to 70% of total production is negotiable while exploration costs and operating costs are recoverable. Congoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s corporate tax rate is 35%. (OiI and Gas Industry Regulation in Congo, 2014) Following Figure 1 shows the Oil production and Consumption in Congo: Figure 2 Local Analysis Most of the foreign companies investing and operating in Congo are utilizing the local content for human resources, selecting suppliers and involving in community activities to boost the trust of local population. This act not only providing social and economic benefits but also helpà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s to create a stable relationship with the local host communities. ABC PLC should also consider this fact as an important aspect while recruitment of human resource and vendor selection process. Challenges: The total Oil production in Congo is around 310,000 barrels/day, generating 90% of government revenue and 90% of export earnings. For ABC Plcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s investment the major competitors will be The French Company Total which controls around 60% of output, Italyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s ENI produces 30%, and the remaining 10 percent is divided between the smaller players Congrep, Murphy and the state company SNPC. (CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE), 2014) Economic Development in the region Congo lies in Sub-Saharan Africa and economic growth in this region has up in 2013, regionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s GDP grew to 4.7%, growth was higher at the rate of 6%. FDI are coming in the region exploiting not only oil but gas and mining sectors as well. The Net FDI calculated for the region was 4$ billion in 2013. (CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE), 2014) Following is the table showing the GDP growth of Congo in past few years. (Congo Economic Studies, 2014) Figure 3 Risk Factors Following is the risk factor analysis for ABC Plc for investment in the developing country. It must be clarified that most of these risk factors cannot control by the ABC Plc and can affect the business. These risk factors includes Economic Condition The demand for oil products are directly related to the general economic growth. Demand can be interrupted by recession or negative/low economic growth. Major changes in region including civil unrest can also harm the demand. Financial markets and institutions changes can also pose serious risk to the company. Legal un-certainty Countries in this region including Congo have no well-developed legal system. Although the regulatory authority for Oil and Gas is present and working with investors to implement changes, but still the risk is present of any unpredictable action by government can make the business difficult for company. Regulatory and Tax Risk Although the government of the region are amending the laws and providing good terms to encourage foreign investors but the risk is remain to any change in laws including the international agreements can adversely affect the business. Any increase in corporate tax or royalty fee can harm the future profits of ABC Plcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s investment in Congo. Security Concern Successful operation can be disrupted by local communities in case of any civil unrest or labor union crisis making it impossible to continue operation or in worst case cause great costs for security or closing down the operation for a period of time. Efficient Operation ABC Plcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s performance will depend on how company can perform competitively given the nature of few but big players in the sector. It will depend on the ability to manage the cost and expenses and improve production for the total term of business. This requires an efficient management with focus on utilizing right technology working with the best vendors and controlling cost. Customer Analysis Following figure shows the major customers of the Congo oil products. This ensures for ABC Plc that investing in the region is a right decision or not. Congoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s reserves are mostly un-utilized and in coming years the production will increase significantly. Also more FDI in the region will open the new markets for the oil investing companies. Figure 4 Recommendations After analyzing the U.S, UK and Japan Current situation and future investment opportunities for the ABC Plc in developing country, following recommendation has been suggested. U.S and Japan operation of company is causing a great loss and continuing it will harm the company and even cost to closing the business. ABC Plc operation in UK is profitable for the company but not in the long run, increasing cost will affect the business. It is imperative to further invest in other countries and close the U.S and Japan operation as Japanese government and oil production companies are also seeing opportunities to invest in other countries. ABC Plc can invest in any country in the African region but Congo will be the best case choice, as government is welcoming the FDIà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s and have less restriction and barriers to entry. For investment in any country Supply is one of the vital factors and Congo has abundant resources in reserves which needs further exploration, making it impossible to decrease in future supply. Congoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s current oil customers include big countries hence the demand is speculated to be un-interrupted or lessen in coming years. Congo has a relatively calm political situation as compared with other small developing countries. Making it a good opportunity for investors. ABC Plc planning for investments in developing region affirm by the proposed projectà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s capital budgeting. Projects PBP, NPV and IRR (interpolation method) has been calculated in order to take the right decision. Projects life has been estimated for four years with the PBP of 3.5 Years. PBP shows that in 3 years company will recover the initial cost of investment in the region. NPV of project investment at 7% rate suggests that project is profitable and will generate good revenue. This revenue increase will also helpful to the ABC Plc for their future investment plans and the positive NPV will increase the value of firm as well. Projectà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s IRR has been calculated at 7% and 14% rate which show that project is acceptable at 7% and above rate but less than 13%. IRR suggests that projects should be acceptable as far as the IRR is greater than the cost of capital rate which in this case is 7%. Conclusion It is suggested for ABC Plc to close the business in Japan and U.S. and invest in Congo to continue its profit for coming years. Although there are still risk present in investing in a developing country but time and cost make this as a best choice in this scenario. References (2014).CONGO(BRAZZAVILLE).https://www.eia.gov/countries/cab.cfm?fips=CF.%20Last%20accessed%2019th%20April%202014.%20 -. (2014).Congo Economic Studies..Available: https://www.coface.com/Economic-Studies-and-Country-Risks/Congo. Last accessed 19th April 2014. (2013)Japan Analysis. , from U.S Energy Information Administration: https://www.eia.gov/countries/cab.cfm?fips=JA . Last Accessed April 19th, 2014 (2014) OiI and Gas Industry Regulation in Congo. from MBendi Information series: https://www.mbendi.com/indy/oilg/govo/af/co/p0005.html Last accessed on April 19, 2014 (2013) United Kingdom Analysis, from U.S Energy Information Administration: https://www.eia.gov/countries/cab.cfm?fips=uk Last accessed on April Saturday 19, 2014 Table of Figures Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 1
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Hunters Moonsong Chapter Seven Free Essays
â€Å"It would have been difficult to find a group of settlers less suited to building a brand-new colony than the one hundred and five men who sailed up the river from the Chesapeake Bay in 1607 and founded Jamestown,†Professor Campbel lectured from the front of Elena’s class. â€Å"While there were a couple of carpenters, a mason, a blacksmith, and maybe a dozen laborers among them, they were far outnumbered by the self-proclaimed gentlemen who made up almost half the party.†He paused and smiled sardonical y. We will write a custom essay sample on The Hunters: Moonsong Chapter Seven or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"‘Gentlemen’ in this case signifies men without a profession or trade. Many of them were lazy, idle men who had joined the London Company’s expedition in the hope of making a profit without realizing how much work founding a colony in the New World was real y going to entail. The settlers landed in the spring, and by the end of September, half of them were dead. By January, when Captain Newport returned with supplies and more colonists, only thirty-eight of the original settlers remained.†Lazy and clueless, Elena wrote neatly in her notebook. Dead in less than a year. History of the South was her very first class, and col ege was already proving to be an eye-opening experience. Her high school teachers had always stressed courage and enterprise when they talked about Virginia’s early settlers, not haplessness. â€Å"On Thursday, we’l talk about the legend of John Smith and Pocahontas. We’re going to discuss the facts and how they differ from Smith’s own account, as he had a tendency toward self-promotion,†Professor Campbel announced. â€Å"The reading assignment is in the syl abus, so please come prepared for a lively discussion next time.†He was a plump, energetic little man, whose smal black eyes swept the class and landed unerringly on Elena as he added, â€Å"Elena Gilbert? Please stay after class for a moment. I’d like to speak with you.†She had time to wonder, nervously, how he knew which of his students she was as the rest of the class straggled out of the room, a few stopping to ask him questions. She hadn’t spoken up during his lecture, and there were about fifty students in the class. As the last of her classmates disappeared out the door, she approached his desk. â€Å"Elena Gilbert,†he said avuncularly, his bright eyes searching hers. â€Å"I do apologize for taking up your time. But when I heard your name, I had to ask.†He paused, and Elena dutiful y replied, â€Å"Had to ask what, Professor?†â€Å"I know the name Gilbert, you see,†he said, â€Å"and the more I look at you, the more you remind me of someone – two someones – who were once very dear friends of mine. Could you possibly be the daughter of Elizabeth Morrow and Thomas Gilbert?†â€Å"Yes, I am,†said Elena slowly. She ought to have expected that she might meet someone who knew her parents here at Dalcrest, but it felt weird to hear their names, al the same. â€Å"Ah!†He laced his fingers across his stomach and gave her a satisfied smile. â€Å"You look so much like Elizabeth. It startled me when you came into the room. But there’s a touch of Thomas in you, too, make no mistake about that. Something about your expression, I think. Seeing you takes me right back to my own days as an undergraduate. She was a lovely girl, your mother, just lovely.†â€Å"You went to school here with my parents?†Elena asked. â€Å"I certainly did.†Professor Campbel ‘s smal black eyes widened. â€Å"They were two of my best friends here. Two of the best friends I ever had. We lost track of each other over the years, I’m afraid, but I heard about the accident.†He unlaced his fingers and hesitantly touched her arm. â€Å"I’m so sorry.†â€Å"Thank you.†Elena bit her lip. â€Å"They never talked much about their col ege years. Maybe as I got older, they would have†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Her voice trailed off, and she realized with dismay that her eyes had fil ed with tears. â€Å"Oh, my dear, I didn’t mean to upset you.†Professor Campbel patted his jacket pockets. â€Å"And I’ve never got a tissue when I need one. Oh, please don’t cry.†His comical expression of distress made Elena give him a watery-eyed smile, and he relaxed and smiled in return. â€Å"There, that’s better,†he said. â€Å"You know, if you’d like to hear more about your parents and what they were like back then, I’d be happy to tel you about them. I’ve got al kinds of stories.†â€Å"Real y?†Elena said hopeful y. She felt a flicker of excitement. Aunt Judith talked with Elena about her mother sometimes, but the memories she shared were mostly from their childhood. And Elena real y didn’t know much about her father’s past at al : he’d been an only child and his parents were dead. â€Å"Certainly, certainly,†Professor Campbel said cheerful y. â€Å"Come to my office hours, and I’l tel you al about our hijinks back in the old days. I’m there every Monday and Friday from three to five, and I’l put out a welcome mat for you. Metaphorical y speaking, of course. Serve you some of the horrible department coffee.†â€Å"Thank you, Professor Campbel ,†Elena said. â€Å"I’d love that.†â€Å"Cal me James,†he said. â€Å"It’s nothing at al . Anything I can do to make you feel at home here at Dalcrest.†He cocked his head to one side and looked at her quizzical y, his eyes as bright and curious as a smal animal’s. â€Å"After al , as the daughter of Elizabeth and Thomas, you must be a very special girl.†The big black crow outside the open lecture-room window paced back and forth, clenching and unclenching its powerful talons around the branch on which it was perched. Damon wanted to transform back into his vampire self, climb through the window, and have a quick but effective interrogation session with that professor. But Elena wouldn’t like that. She was so naive, dammit. Yes, yes, she was his lovely, bril iant, clever princess, but she was ridiculously naive, too; they al were. Damon irritably preened his ruffled feathers back into iridescent sleekness. They were just so young. At this point, Damon was able to look back and say that no one learned anything in life, not for her first hundred years or so. You had to be immortal, real y, to have the time to learn to look out for yourself properly. Take Elena, gazing so trustful y at her professor. After al she’d been through, al she’d seen, she was so easy to lul into complacency – al the man had to do was dangle the promise of information about her parents in front of her, and she’d happily trot off to meet him in his office whenever he suggested. Sentimental ninny. What could the man possibly tel her that would be of any real importance? Nothing could bring her parents back. The professor wasn’t a danger, most likely. Damon had probed him with his Power, felt nothing but the flickering of a human mind, no dark surge of answering Power coming from the little man, no sWellof disturbing or violent emotion. But he couldn’t be sure, could he? Damon’s Power couldn’t detect every monster, couldn’t predict every twist of the human heart. But the real problem here was Elena. She’d forgotten, clearly, that she’d lost al her Power, that the Guardians had stripped her back to being just a vulnerable, fragile mortal girl again. She thought, wrongly, that she could protect herself. They were al like that. Damon had been infuriated at first to slowly realize that he was starting to feel like al of them were his humans. Not just his lovely Elena and the little redbird, but all of them, the witch Mrs. Flowers and the hunter and that meathead of a boy as Well. Those last two didn’t even like him, but he felt compel ed to keep an eye on them, to prevent them from damaging themselves through their innate stupidity. Damon wasn’t the one who wanted to be here. No, the â€Å"let’s al join hands and dance off to further our educations together†idea wasn’t his, and he’d treated it with the proper scorn. He wasn’t Stefan. He wasn’t going to waste his time pretending to be one of the mortal children. But he had found, to his dismay, that he didn’t want to lose them, either. It was embarrassing. Vampires were not pack animals, not like humans. He wasn’t supposed to care what happened to them. These children should be prey, and nothing more. But being dead and coming back, fighting the jealousy phantom and letting go of the sick envy and misery that had held him captive ever since he was a human, had changed Damon. With that hard bal of hate gone from the middle of his chest, where it had lived for so long, he found himself feeling lighter. Almost as if he †¦ cared. Embarrassing or not, it felt surprisingly comfortable, having this connection to the little group of humans. He’d have died – again – rather than admit it aloud, though. He clacked his beak a few times as Elena said good-bye to her professor and left the classroom. Then Damon spread his wings and flapped down to a tree next to the building’s entrance. Nearby, a thin young man was posting a flyer with a girl’s picture on another tree, and Damon flew over to get a closer look. Missing Student, the top of the flyer said, and below the picture were details of a nighttime disappearance: no clues, no leads, no evidence, no idea where nineteen-year-old Taylor Harrison might be. Suspicion of foul play. The promise of a reward from her anxious family for information leading to her safe return. Damon let out a rough caw. There was something wrong here. He’d known it already – had felt something a little off about this campus as soon as he’d arrived two days ago, although he hadn’t been able to quite put his finger on it. Why else would he have been so worried about his princess? Elena came out of the building and started across the quad, tucking her long golden hair behind her ears, oblivious to the black crow that swooped from tree to tree above her. Damon was going to find out what was going on here, and he was going to do it before whatever it was touched any of his humans. Especial y Elena. How to cite The Hunters: Moonsong Chapter Seven, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Jane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte Theme Essays - English-language Films
Jane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte Theme Longing for Love Charlotte Bronte created the novel "Jane Eyre," with an overriding theme of love. The emotional agony that the main character experiences throughout the novel stem from the treatment received as a child, loss of loved ones, and economic hardships. To fill these voids, Jane longs for love. Ironically, Jane rejects affection at some point throughout the novel though it is that which she seeks. Her painful childhood experiences create an emotional center derived from this pain. Thus, she views love as consuming and it is not a high priority in Jane's life. She accepts the fact that she will probably live her life in loneliness. From the onset of the novel we view the world through the eyes of Jane, a young, penniless, orphan. At the beginning of the story she is under the care of her widowed aunt, Mrs. Reed. At the Reed household, Jane is neglected and mistreated with favoritism being given only to the three obnoxious Reed children. Jane begins her struggle for love here at Gateshead. Her temper and self-will become apparent there. She stands up for herself not only to her cousins, but to Mrs. Reed as well. "You think I Burkhart 2 have no feelings, and that I can do without one bit of love or kindness, but I cannot live so: and you have no pity" (Bronte, 45). Her early life at Gateshead proved to be a rather traumatic period in Jane's life. Jane "dared commit no fault: [she] strove to fulfill every duty; [she] was termed naughty and tiresome, sullen and sneaky, from morning to noon, and from noon to night" (Bronte, 22). Trying to act in accordance with Mrs. Reed and the Reed children, never purposely committing a fault, Jane was continuously "naughty" in Mrs. Reed's eye. Living a childhood such as Jane's, one would expect a self-willed and rebellious personality to emerge. "I was a discord at Gateshead Hall; I was like nobody there...If they did not love me, in fact, as little did I love them" (Bronte 23). Treated with disrespect and lack of love Jane began her journey, her quest for love. Her rebellion towards the family that hated her fueled an inner subconscious conflict dealing with love and trust. Mrs. Reed eventually sends Jane to a boarding school called Lowood Institution. Lowood is a charitable school and has the worst conditions imaginable. It is here, where Jane meets her first true friend Helen Burns. At the orphanage, Jane forms a passionate attachment to Helen. Burkhart 3 Helen assumes a sisterly like role and teaches Jane love in the form of religion. "Read the New Testament," Helen instructed Jane, "love your enemies" (Bronte 69). "Then I should love Mrs. Reed, which I cannot do; I should bless her son John, which is impossible"(Bronte 69). Jane does not comprehend the act of loving thy enemies. Her lack of comprehension stems from her childhood and the lack of love she received. Never in her childhood did she get the attention and love that a child deserves. How could anyone expect someone to be able to love when she has had no example to follow? In Jane's eyes her self-worth would severely diminish if she were to love someone who did not love her. Helen explains to Jane how Miss Scatcherd dislikes Helen's "cast of character" (Bronte 65) and the deep impression the injustice of an enemy makes on your heart. Jane is able to gain strength from Helen's faith. It is this faith that she attains that guides Jane through her life and ultimately leads to her happiness. Another character that has a significant influence in Jane's life at Lowood is Miss Evans, the superintendent. Miss Evans is primarily the first person in Jane's life that treats Jane with justice and confidence in her ability to "make good." In her dealings with Miss Evans and the Burkhart 4 scolding she receives from Miss Evans, Jane puts Helen's lessons to use. She tries to accept her scolding as if it had some higher purpose, though she is hurt inside when she is scolded. Her experiences at Lowood make her a much stronger self-willed person, though they also contribute to her decrease in rebelliousness. Jane eventually leaves Lowood and ventures to Thornfield Manor where she gains the position of governess under Mr. Edward Rochester, her master. Meeting Mr. Rochester completely changes Jane's life. The attention she receives, the interest, and the affection all fill voids in Jane's life. For once a person
Friday, March 20, 2020
Letter Form a Birmingham Jail Mlk Essays
Letter Form a Birmingham Jail Mlk Essays Letter Form a Birmingham Jail Mlk Essay Letter Form a Birmingham Jail Mlk Essay Essay Topic: Letter From Birmingham Jail Oppressed feelings: No longer Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was incarcerated after fighting for his rights in a nonviolent peaceful protest to fight, exercising the first amendment of the Bill of Rights, and the Freedom of speech; an automatic given for those who do not consist of colored skin. In response, Dr. King wrote a powerful letter to the â€Å"genuine†clergymen announcing his strong opinions and beliefs toward segregation, discrimination, and racism. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. executed such an overwhelming piece of writing expressing the poor treatment of African Americans, the explanations of his actions, and his opinions regarding a true and better government. He expressed his desire and faith for the greater good and change in this letter with the use of emotional appeals such as imagery, diction, and descriptions of his harsh personal experiences regarding segregation and discrimination because of his skin color. Paragraphs 14 and 15 consists of emotional twists from unjust laws and release a combination of emotional and harsh events from the African American’s reality that bring the reader into their perspective from a hated level. In these paragraphs, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gets more personal and specific about the harsh treatment of African Americans and personal experiences regarding their harsh reality. Imagery shows all throughout this paragraph to create powerful and tear quenching emotions from the reader to get you to at least slightly understand their perspective. Dr. King immensely expresses what not only he, but all African Americans are and have been going through. He is able to paint a picture in the readers’ head of the abuse, pain, and hatred they have felt. But when you have seen vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers at will and drown your sisters and brothers at whim; when you have seen hate filled policemen curse, kick, and even kill your black brothers and sisters; when you see the vast majority of your twenty million Negro brothers smothering in an airtight cage of poverty in the midst of an affluent society†¦(218). All I see is hate filled police and Caucasian’s with disgust in their face causing undeserving pain to people that only have one difference: their skin color. Although I was not there to personally experience this torment, Dr. King is able to withdraw my emotions with just the truth, and put me on his side. His picture withdrew disgust and angriness for what our society is and how human beings can be. That little piece of the actual paragraph is just a glimpse. Dr. King goes on and on about their mistreatment. They are not just pained physically, but they are also haunted emotionally and mentally as well, â€Å"When you are harried by day and haunted by night by the fact that you are a Negro, living in constantly tiptoe stance, never quite knowing what to expect next, and are plagued with inner fears and outer resentments; when you are forever fighting a degenerating sense of â€Å"nobodiness††¦Ã¢â‚¬ (218). Personally, feeling alone and insignificant is one of my worst fears about life, and Dr. King along with â€Å"twenty million†others suffered from this feeling for centuries. Imagery was able to capture my full attention in this paragraph, allowed me to see a glimpse of their pain, suffering, and mistreatment. With the powerful impact of imagery in these paragraphs, it certainly wasn’t the only strategy he used. Diction was an immeasurable aspect of this paragraph. The structure of Dr. King’s vocabulary was eloquent and delivered in such a structured, skillful manner that he was able to draw tear-filled emotions to his audience. He used words such as ‘curse’, ‘kick’, ‘lynch’, ‘kill’, ‘smothering’, ‘humiliated’, and ‘despair’. These words are able to describe to the reader of the completely atrocious way people treated each other because of such an insignificant matter, the difference in skin color. Just reading these chosen words and how well it played with imagery, I winced. Using diction is shown to be powerful in this case because if Dr. King were to have only said, ‘mistreatment’, ‘abuse’, or ‘discriminated’, it would not have withdrawn as much emotion from his audience at the time and the readers now. His in detail descriptions of his barbaric treatment and personal experiences is the most influential and compelling strategy in paragraph 14 and 15. The disturbing events that occurred in that time period showed how cruel mankind to be. Dr. King shares experiences such as explaining to his children their harsh realities at that moment in time: When you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six year old daughter why she can’t go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television, and see tears welling up in her yes when she is told that Funtown is closed to colored children, and see ominous clouds of inferiority beginning to form in her little mental sky†¦When you have to concoct an answer for a five year old son who is asking: ‘Daddy, why do white people treat colored people so mean? (218). Children are thought to be so innocent, pure from hatred, and chance giving and then when their littl e hearts are corrupted to think they are less than someone else, and they feel like they are in a world full of hurt, what are they to do then? Dr. King also shares his bleak experiences of witnessing that hatred be performed with murder and being denied what is thought of as automatic rights. These personal experiences not only keep your nose to the paper, but it is appalling to know the easy capabilities we hold as human beings to torment others for little things not only mentally, but physically, to the point of taking their lives completely away from them. These lives taken lived a life where they were beaten and never shown the feeling of whole freedom and life without hypothetical chains. Dr. King was able to use these experiences to squeeze emotions out of his audience. They not only described their cold facts, but it brought me to his level of understanding and on his side. Dr. King did more than just simply explain their experience. Dr. King described that they have been waiting â€Å"for more than 340 years for†their â€Å"constitutional and God given rights†and watching other nations such as â€Å"Asia†and â€Å"Africa†move â€Å"with jetlike speed toward gaining political independence†, but how the United States was still creeping â€Å"at horse and buggy pace toward gaining a cup of coffee at a lunch counter†(217). He talked about how it was appalling for someone who never had to watch â€Å"vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers at will and drown your sisters and brothers at whim†(218) to say, â€Å"Wait. That with everything they have been through, they cannot and will not endure it any longer. He strongly felt that this could happen no longer, and that if it took â€Å"disobey[ing] unjust laws†(218) then he would. These paragraphs proved to be a monumental breakthrough for this letter. He described how he wasn’t going to take it any l onger. After a lifetime of witnessing hate, ignorance, and abuse, personally being discriminated and segregated against for his skin color, and being thrown in jail for peacefully protesting, exercising the first mendment, he was still standing strong in his beliefs, not backing down. He was able to persevere through so much, and he wasn’t going to stop until his point was being made and change was happening. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was able to execute these immaculate paragraphs through emotional appeals (diction, imagery, and personal experiences) to minimally just slightly understand what he has been through, and that he will not back down or tolerate it any longer. His cruel reality was not the only thing to breakthrough his audiences’ exterior but his strong will and genuine personality was able to make a huge impact. Through everything, and only being shown hate and violence, he retaliated with calmness, peaceful protests, and nonviolent maneuvers. This was more than the rest of the human race was able to do. After that, Dr. Martin Luther King deserves all the respect in the world.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Definition and Examples of Narration
Definition and Examples of Narration In writing or speech, narration is the process of recounting a sequence of events, real or imagined. Its also called storytelling. Aristotles term for narration was prothesis. The person who recounts the events is called a narrator. Stories can have reliable or unreliable narrators. For example, if a story is being told by someone insane, lying, or deluded, such as in Edgar Allen Poes The Tell-Tale Heart, that narrator would be deemed unreliable. The account itself is called a narrative. The perspective from which a speaker or writer recounts a narrative is called a point of view. Types of point of view include first person, which uses I and follows the thoughts of one person or just one at a time, and third person, which can be limited to one person or can show the thoughts of all the characters, called the omniscient third person. Narration is the base of the story, the text thats not dialogue or quoted material. Uses in Types of Prose Writing Its used in fiction and nonfiction alike. There are two forms: simple narrative, which recites events chronologically, as in a newspaper account; note William Harmon and Hugh Holman in A Handbook to Literature, and narrative with plot, which is less often chronological and more often arranged according to a principle determined by the nature of the plot and the type of story intended. It is conventionally said that narration deals with time, description with space. Cicero, however, finds three forms in De Inventione, as explained by Joseph Colavito in Narratio: The first type focuses on the case and...the reason for dispute (1.19.27). A second type contains a digression...for the purpose of attacking somebody,...making a comparison,...amusing the audience,...or for amplification (1.19.27). The last type of narrative serves a different end- amusement and training- and it can concern either events or persons (1.19.27). (In Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition: Communication from Ancient Times to the Information Age, ed. by Theresa Enos. Taylor Francis, 1996) Narration isnt just in literature, literary nonfiction, or academic studies, though. It also comes into play in writing in the workplace, as Barbara Fine Clouse wrote in Patterns for a Purpose: Police officers write crime reports, and insurance investigators write accident reports, both of which narrate sequences of events. Physical therapists and nurses write narrative accounts of their patients progress, and teachers narrate events for disciplinary reports. Supervisors write narrative accounts of employees actions for individual personnel files, and company officials use narration to report on the companys performance during the fiscal year for its stockholders. Even jokes, fables, fairy tales, short stories, plays, novels, and other forms of literature are narrative if they tell a story, notes Lynn Z. Bloom in The Essay Connection. Examples of Narration For examples of different styles of narration, check out the following: ​The Battle of the Ants by Henry David Thoreau (first person, nonfiction)The Holy Night by Selma Lagerlà ¶f (first person and third person, fiction)Street Haunting by Virginia Woolf (first person plural and third person, omniscient narrator, nonfiction)
Monday, February 17, 2020
Role of primary care physicians in obesity prevention and management Essay
Role of primary care physicians in obesity prevention and management in the U.S - Essay Example The principal research objective is to examine the gaps that exist in primary care particularly in managing obesity. Further, the research seeks to identify barriers that impede physicians from helping obese patients manage their weight. The research is, therefore, projected to pave way for better comprehension of healthcare delivery system from a weight and related ailments management perspective. Given the fact that scientific knowledge in regard to this healthcare service delivery system is not extensive, the proposed study will draw together extant information and present research based recommendations on how primary care physicians can contribute more to obesity management. Given primary care physicians’ direct connection to obese patients and their health information, they are best placed to aid in weight management and avoidance of obesity comorbidities, as long as, they effectively overcome prevailing impediments. Grant et al.’s study focuses on the roles entrus ted to bariatric physicians or medical practitioners who specialize in weight management. This study is instrumental to the research, since it provides insight into aspects in which primary physicians can be trained to make them proficient in obesity management. Sebiany’s research article provides important insight into the responsibilities expected of primary physicians in effective management of obesity, as well as, perceived obstacles to this efficacy. The journal article will be invaluable in development of the principal argument of the paper.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Importance of reserch and development to an innovative company Assignment
Importance of reserch and development to an innovative company - Assignment Example With reference to the context, it can be observed that Exxon Mobil Corporation from the United States has comprehensively introduced R&D management into its business process. With due consideration to the aspect, the paper intends to discuss about the ways in which Exxon Mobil makes use of R&D in its business operational process to obtain an edge over its market competitors. Exxon Mobil is one of the leading multinational and publicly traded oil and gas companies of the world having its headquarters in Irving, Texas, United States. It was created in the year 1999 after the merger between Exxon and Mobil and is recognized as a decedent company of Standard Oil founded by John D. Rockefeller. In serving the local communities with oil and gas along with other petrochemicals, Exxon Mobil has been able to expand its business operations on a global basis. Consequently, it has been able to achieve certain milestones which can be identified as the business segments of Exxon Mobil has expanded overseas within a very short span of time. Furthermore, in expanding business to overseas, Exxon Mobil has been capable to possess 31 refineries of oil. With the help of the final products produced in these refineries, Exxon Mobil is serving 21 countries with their products. Contextually, with the help of the sustainable performances in the recent years, Exxon Mobil has ach ieved the status of being the number one corporation in the USA according to Forbes Global 2000 list of the year 2012 by increasing its organizational revenues and profits (Forbes, 2012). Moreover, for surviving in the competitive marketplace, Exxon uses innovative and modern technologies in order to develop an aggressive and advanced operational process for serving the customers. In accordance with the aspect, it is observed that Exxon Mobil has introduced R&D management into its operational process (Exxon Mobil, 2012). R&D management can be defined as the management
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Strategies for Welding Aluminium
Strategies for Welding Aluminium CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION OF THE FSW TECHNIQUE In todays modern world there are many different welding techniques to join metals. They range from the conventional oxyacetylene torch welding to laser welding. The two general categories in which all the types of welding can be divided is fusion welding and solid state welding. The fusion welding process involves chemical bonding of the metal in the molten stage and may need a filler material such as a consumable electrode or a spool of wire of the filler material, the process may also need a inert ambience in order to avoid oxidation of the molten metal, this could be achieved by a flux material or a inert gas shield in the weld zone, there could be need for adequate surface preparations, examples of fusion welding are metal inert gas welding (MIG), tungsten inert gas welding (TIG) and laser welding. There are many disadvantages in the welding techniques where the metal is heated to its melting temperatures and let it solidify to form the joint. The melting and solidification causes the mechanical properties of the weld to deteriorate such as low tensile strength, fatigue strength and ductility. The disadvantages also include porosity, oxidation, microsegregation, hot cracking and other microstructural defects in the joint. The process also limits the comb ination of the metals that can be joined because of the different thermal coefficients of conductivity and expansion of different metals. The solid state welding is the process where coalescence is produced at temperatures below the melting temperatures of the base metal with out any need for the filler material or any inert ambience because the metal does not reach its melting temperature for the oxidation to occur, examples of solid state welding are friction welding, explosion welding, forge welding, hot pressure welding and ultrasonic welding. The three important parameters time, temperature and pressure individually or in combinations produce the joint in the base metal. As the metal in solid state welding does not reach its melting temperatures so there are fewer defects caused due to the melting and solidification of the metal. In solid state welding the metals being joined retain their original properties as melting does not occur in the joint and the heat affected zone (HAZ) is also very small compared to fusion welding techniques where most of the deterioration of the strengths and ductility begins. Dissimila r metals can be joined with ease as the thermal expansion coefficients and the thermal conductivity coefficients are less important as compared to fusion welding. Friction stir welding (FSW) is an upgraded version of friction welding. The conventional friction welding is done by moving the parts to be joined relative to each other along a common interface also applying compressive forces across the joint. The frictional heat generated at the interface due to rubbing softens the metal and the soft metal gets extruded due to the compressive forces and the joint forms in the clear material, the relative motion is stopped and compressive forces are increased to form a sound weld before the weld is allowed to cool. Friction stir welding is also a solid state welding processes; this remarkable upgradation of friction welding was invented in 1991 in The Welding Institute (TWI) [4]. The process starts with clamping the plates to be welded to a backing plate so that the plates do not fly away during the welding process. A rotating wear resistant tool is plunged on the interface between the plates to a predetermined depth and moves forward in the interface between the plates to form the weld. The advantages of FSW technique is that it is environment friendly, energy efficient, there is no necessity for gas shielding for welding Al, mechanical properties as proven by fatigue, tensile tests are excellent, there is no fume, no porosity, no spatter and low shrinkage of the metal due to welding in the solid state of the metal and an excellent way of joining dissimilar and previously unweldable metals. 1.2 ALUMINUM ALLOYS AND WELDING OF ALUMINUM ALLOYS Aluminum is the most abundant metal available in the earths crust, steel was the most used metal in 19th century but Aluminium has become a strong competitor for steel in engineering applications. Aluminium has many attractive properties compared to steel it is economical and versatile to use that is the reason it is used a lot in the aerospace, automobile and other industries. The most attractive properties of aluminum and its alloys which make them suitable for a wide variety of applications are their light weight, appearance, frabricability, strength and corrosion resistance. The most important property of aluminum is its ability to change its properties in a very versatile manner; it is amazing how much the properties can change from the pure aluminum metal to its most complicate alloys. There are more then a couple of hundreds alloys of aluminum alloys and many are being modified form them internationally. Aluminium alloys have very low density compared to steel it has almost on e thirds the density of steel. Properly treated alloys of aluminum can resist the oxidation process which steel can not resist; it can also resist corrosion by water, salt and other factors. There are many different methods available for joining aluminum and its alloys. The selection of the method depends on many factors such as geometry and the material of the parts to be joined, required strength of the joint, permanent or dismountable joint, number of parts to be joined, the aesthetic appeal of the joint and the service conditions such as moisture, temperature, inert atmosphere and corrosion. Welding is one of the most used methods for aluminum. Most alloys of aluminum are easily weldable. MIG and TIG are the welding processes which are used the most, but there are some problems associated with this welding process like porosity, lack of fusion due to oxide layers, incomplete penetration, cracks, inclusions and undercut, but they can be joined by other methods such as resistance welding, friction welding, stud welding and laser welding. When welding many physical and chemical changes occur such as oxide formation, dissolution of hydrogen in molten aluminum and lack of color change when heated. The formation of oxides of aluminum is because of its strong affinity to oxygen, aluminum oxidizes very quickly after it has been exposed to oxygen. Aluminum oxide forms if the metal is joined using fusion welding processes, and aluminum oxide has a high melting point temperature than the metal and its alloys it self so it results in incomplete fusion if present when joined by fusion welding processes. Aluminum oxide is a electrical insulator if it is thick enough it is capable of preventing the arc which starts the welding process, so special methods such as inert gas welding, or use of fluxes is necessary if aluminum has to be welded using the fusion welding processes. Hydrogen has high solubility in liquid aluminum when the weld pool is at high temperature and the metal is still in liquid state the metal absorbs lots of hydrogen which has very low solubility in the solid state of the metal. The trapped hydrogen can not escape and forms porosity in the weld. All the sources of hydrogen has to be eliminated in order to get sound welds such as lubricants on base metal or the filler material, moisture on the surface of base metal or condensations inside the welding equipment if it uses water cooling and moisture in the shielding inert gases. These precautions require considerable pretreatment of the workpiece to be welded and the welding equipment. Hot cracking is also a problem of major concern when welding aluminum, it occurs due to the high thermal expansion of aluminum, large change in the volume of the metal upon melting and solidification and its wide range of solidification temperatures. The heat treatable alloys have greater amounts of alloying elements so the weld crack sensitivity is of concern. The thermal expansion of aluminum is twice that of steel, in fusion welding process the melting and cooling occurs very fast which is the reason for residual stress concentrations. Weldability of some aluminum alloys is an issue with the fusion welding processes. The 2000 series, 5000 series, 6000 series and 7000 series of aluminum alloys have different weldabilities. The 2000 series of aluminum alloys have poor weldability generally because of the cooper content which causes hot cracking and poor solidification microstructure and porosity in the fusion zone so the fusion welding processes are not very suitable for these alloys. The 5000 series of aluminum alloys with more than 3% of Mg content is susceptible to cracking due to stress concentration in corrosive environments, so high Mg alloys of 5000 series of aluminum should not be exposed to corrosive environments at high temperatures to avoid stress corrosion cracking. All the 6000 series of aluminum are readily weldable but are some times susceptible to hot cracking under certain conditions. The 7000 series of aluminum are both weldable and non-weldable depending on the chemical composition of the alloy. Alloys with low Zn-Mg and Cu content are readily weldable and they have the special ability of recovering the strength lost in the HAZ after some weeks of storage after the weld. Alloys with high Zn-Mg and Cu content have a high tendency to hot crack after welding. All the 7000 series of aluminum have the sensitivity to stress concentration cracking. All these problems associated with the welding of these different alloys of aluminum has lead to the development of solid state welding processes like Friction Stir Welding technique which is an upgraded version of the friction welding processes. This process has many advantages associated with it, and it can weld many aluminum alloys such as 2000 and 7000 series which are difficult to weld by fusion welding processes. The advantages of the Friction Stir Welding processes are low distortion even in long welds, no fuse, no porosity, no spatter, low shrinkage, can operate in all positions, very energy efficient and excellent mechanical properties as proven by the fatigue, tension and bend tests. 1.3 Conventional Welding Processes of Aluminum A brief description of the most common processes, their applications on aluminum and limitations are given below. 1.3.1 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW): In gas tungsten arc welding process the heat generated by an arc, which is maintained between the workpiece and a non-consumable tungsten, electrode is used to fuse the joint area. The arc is sustained in an inert gas, which serves to protect the weld pool and the electrode from atmospheric contamination as shown in Figure 2.3. The process has the following features: It is conducted in a chemically inert atmosphere; The arc energy density is relatively high; The process is very controllable; Joint quality is usually high; Deposition rates and joint completion rates are low. The process may be applied to the joining of a wide range of engineering materials including stainless steel, aluminum alloys and reactive metals such as titanium. These features of the process lead to its widespread application in aerospace, nuclear reprocessing and power generation industries as well as in the fabrication of chemical process plant, food processing and brewing equipment. 1.3.2 Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW): Shielded metal arc welding has for many years been one of the most common techniques applied to the fabrication of steels. The process uses an arc as the heat source but shielding is provided by gases generated by the decomposition of the electrode coating material and by the slag produced by the melting of mineral constituents of the coating. In addition to heating and melting the parent material the arc also melts the core of the electrode and thereby provides filler material for the joint. The electrode coating may also be used as source of alloying elements and additional filler material. The flux and electrode chemistry may be formulated to deposit wear- and corrosion-resistant layers for surface protection as shown in Figure 2.4. Significant features of the process are: Equipment requirement are simple; A large range of consumables are available; The process is extremely portable; The operating efficiency is low; It is labor intensive. For these reasons the process has been traditionally used in structural steel fabrication, shipbuilding and heavy engineering as well as for small batch production and maintenance. 1.3.3 Plasma welding: Plasma welding uses the heat generated by a constricted arc to fuse the joint area; the arc is formed between the tip of a non-consumable electrode and either the work piece or the constricting nozzle as shown in Figure 2.5. A wide range of shielding and cutting gases is used depending on the mode of operation and the application. In the normal transferred arc mode the arc is maintained between the electrode and the work piece; the electrode is usually the cathode and the work piece is connected to the positive side of the power supply. In this mode a high energy density is achieved and the process may be used effectively for welding and cutting. The features of the process depend on the operating mode and the current, but in summary the plasma process has the following characteristics: Good low-current arc stability Improved directionality compared with GTAW Improved melting efficiency compared with GTAW Possibility of keyhole welding The keyhole technique is the high heat concentration can penetrate completely through the joint. These features of the process make it suitable for a range of applications including the joining of very thin materials, the encapsulation of electronic components and sensors, and high- speed longitudinal welds on strip and pipe. 1.3.4 Laser welding The laser may be used as an alternative heat source for fusion welding. The focused power density of the laser can reach 1010 or 1012 Wm-2 and welding is often carried out using the keyhole technique. Significant features of laser welding are: Very confined heat source at low power Deep penetration at high power Reduced distortion and thermal damage Out-of-vacuum technique High equipment cost These features have led to the application of leaders for micro joining of electronic components, but the process is also being applied to the fabrication of automotive components and precision machine tool parts in heavy section steel. 1.4 Weld Defects using Conventional Processes Because of a history of thermal cycling and attendant micro structural changes, a welded joint may develop certain discontinuities. Welding discontinuities can also be caused by inadequate or careless application of established welding technologies or substandard operator training. The major discontinuities that affect weld quality are described below. 1.4.1 Porosity: Trapped gases released during melting of the weld area and trapped during solidification, chemical reactions during welding, or contaminants, cause porosity in welds. Most welded joints contain some porosity, which is generally spherical in shape or in the form of elongated pockets. The distribution of porosity in the weld zone may be random, or it may be concentrated in a certain region. Porosity in welds can be reduced by the following methods: Proper selection of electrodes and filler metals. Improving welding techniques, such as preheating the weld area or increasing the rate of heat input. Proper cleaning and preventing contaminants from entering the weld zone. Slowing the welding speed to allow time for gas to escape.8 1.4.2 Slag inclusions: Slag inclusions are compounds such as oxides, fluxes, and electrode-coating materials that are trapped in the weld zone. If shielding gases are not effective during welding, contamination from the environment may also contribute to such inclusions. Welding conditions are important, and with proper techniques the molten slag will float to the surface of the molten weld metal and not be entrapped. Slag inclusions may be prevented by: Cleaning the weld-bead surface before the next layer is deposited by using a hand or power wire brush. Providing adequate shielding gas. Redesigning the joint to permit sufficient space for proper manipulation of the puddle of molten weld metal. 1.4.3. Incomplete fusion and penetration: A better weld can be obtained by: Raising the temperature of the base metal. Cleaning the weld area prior to welding. Changing the joint design and type of electrode. Providing adequate shielding gas. Incomplete occurs when the depth of the welded joint is insufficient. Penetration can be improved by: Increasing the heat input. Lowering travel speed during welding. Changing the joint design. Ensuring that surfaces to be joined fit properly.8 1.4.4 Weld profile: Weld profile is important not only because of its effects on the strength and appearance of the weld, but also because it can indicate incomplete fusion or the presence of slag inclusions in multiple-layer welds. Under filling results when the joint is not filled with the proper amount of weld metal Figure 2.7. Undercutting results from melting away the base metal and subsequently generating a groove in the shape of recess or notch. Unless it is not deep or sharp, an undercut can act as a stress raiser and reduce the fatigue strength of the joint and may lead to premature failure. Overlap is a surface discontinuity generally caused by poor welding practice and selection of the wrong materials. A proper weld is shown in Figure 2.7c.5 1.4.5 Cracks: Cracks may occur in various locations and direction in the weld area. The types of cracks are typically longitudinal, transverse, crater, and toe cracks Figure 2.8. These cracks generally result from a combination of the following factors: Temperature gradients that cause thermal stresses in the weld zone. Variations in the composition of the weld zone that cause different contractions. Embitterment of grain boundaries by segregation of elements, such as sulfur, to the grain boundaries as the solid-liquid boundary moves when the weld metal begins to solidify. Hydrogen embitterment. Inability of the weld metal to contract during cooling is a situation similar to hot tears that develops in castings and related to excessive restraint of the work piece. (a) crater cracks. (b)Various types of cracks in butt and T joints.8 Cracks are classified as hot or cold cracks. Hot cracks occur while the joint is still at elevated temperatures. Cold cracks develop after the weld metal has solidified. Some crack prevention measures are: Change the joint design to minimize stresses from shrinkage during cooling. Change welding-process parameters, procedures, and sequence. Preheat components being welded. Avoid rapid cooling of the components after welding.8 1.4.6 Lameller tears: In describing the anisotropy of plastically deformed metals, we stated that because of the alignment of nonmetallic impurities and inclusions (stringers), the work piece is weaker when tested in its thickness direction. This condition is particularly evident in rolled plates and structural shapes. In welding such components, lamellar tears may develop because of shrinkage of the members in the members or by changing the joint design to make the weld bead penetrate the wearer member more deeply.8 1.4.7 Surface damage: During welding, some of the metal may spatter and be deposited as small droplets on adjacent surfaces. In arc welding possess, the electrode may inadvertently contact the parts being welded at places not in the weld zone (arc strikes). Such surface discontinuities may be objectionable for reasons of appearance or subsequent use of the welded part. If severe, these discontinuities may adversely affect the properties of the welded structure, particularly for notch-sensitive metals. Using proper welding techniques and procedures is important in avoiding surface damage.8 1.5 Skill and Training requirements: Many of the traditional welding processes required high levels of operator skill and dexterity, this can involve costly training programs, particularly when the procedural requirement described above need to be met. The newer processes can offer some reduction in the overall skill requirement but this unfortunately been replaced in some cases by more complex equipment and the time involved in establishing the process parameters has brought about a reduction in operating factor. Developments, which seek to simplify the operation of the equipment, will be described below but effective use of even the most advanced processes and equipment requires appropriate levels of operator and support staff training. The cost of this training will usually be recovered very quickly in improved productivity and quality. 1.6 Areas for development: Advances in welding processes may be justified in: Increased deposition rate; Reduced cycle time; Improved process control; Reduced repair rate; Reduced weld size; Reduced joint preparation time; Improved operating factor; Reduction in post-weld operations; Reduction in potential safety hazards; Removal of the operator from hazardous area; Simplified equipment setting. Some or all these requirement have been met in many of the process developments which have occurred in the ten years; these will be described in detail in the following chapters but the current trends in the of this technology are examined below. 1.7 New processes: The Primary incentive for welding process development is the need to improve the total cost effectiveness of joining operations in requirement for new processes. Recently, concern over the safety of the welding environment and the potential shortage of skilled technicians and operator in many countries have become important considerations. Many of the traditional welding techniques described in this Chapter are regarded as costly and hazardous and it is possible to improve both of these aspects significantly by employing some of the advanced process developments described in the following chapters. The use of new joining techniques such as Friction Stir Welding appears to be increasing since it does not involve melting. The application of these processes has in the past been restricted, but with the increased recognition of the benefits of automation and the requirement for high-integrity joints in newer materials it is envisaged that the use of these techniques will grow. This is a new process originally intended for welding of aerospace alloys, especially aluminum extrusions. Whereas in conventional friction welding, heating of interfaces is achieved through friction by rubbing two surfaces, in the FSW process, a third body is rubbed against the two surfaces to be joined in the form of a small rotating non-consumable tool that is plunged into the joint. The contact pressure causes frictional heating. The probe at the tip of the rotating tool forces heating and mixing or stirring of the material in the joint. 1.8 Research objectives: The objectives of our project are to: Adopt FSW to a milling machine Design the FSW tools, select its material and have it manufactured Design the required clamping system Apply FSW to plates of an alloy that is not readily weldable by conventional methods Investigate FSW parameters (RPM, Feed Rate and Axial force) Analyze conventionally welded and Friction Stir welded sections then compare their properties. The objective of this research is to characterize the mechanical properties of friction stir welded joints and study the micro structure of the base metal and the weld nugget evolved during the friction stir welding of similar and dissimilar alloys of Aluminum. Aluminum 2024 and 7075 are considered for this investigation. The mechanical properties such as ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, formability, ductility and vickers hardness are measured and an effort is made to find out a relation between the process variables and properties of the weld. The optimal process parameters for the Friction-Stir welding of AA2024 and AA7075 will be defined based on the experimental results. Having understood the significance of FSP, the main objective of this thesis is to investigate the effect of process parameters like rotational and translational speeds on the forces generated during FSP of aluminum alloys and relate these forces with the microstructure evolved in order to optimize the process. The specific objectives of the work presented are: Design and conduct FS processing experiments on aluminum alloy for different combinations of rotational and translation speeds. Measuring the generated processing forces during FSP of aluminum alloys Examine the microstructural of the processed sheets using transmission electron microscope (TEM). Attempt to establish a correlation between these measured forces and the resulting microstructure. Chapter 2 Review of Literature 2.1 General Idea of the Friction Stir Technology This section gives an insight into the innovative technology called friction stir technology. The action of rubbing two objects together causing friction to provide heat is one dating back many centuries as stated by Thomas et.al [1]. The principles of this method now form the basis of many traditional and novel friction welding, surfacing and processing techniques. The friction process is an efficient and controllable method of plasticizing a specific area on a material, and thus removing contaminants in preparation for welding, surfacing/cladding or extrusion. The process is environmentally friendly as it does not require consumables (filler wire, flux or gas) and produces no fumes. In friction welding, heat is produced by rubbing components together under load. Once the required temperature and material deformation is reached, the action is terminated and the load is maintained or increased to create a solid phase bond. Friction is ideal for welding dissimilar metals with very different melting temperatures and physical properties. Some of the friction stir technologies ar e shown in the Fig.2-1. Work carried out at TWI by Thomas et.al [2,3] has demonstrated that several alternative techniques exist or are being developed to meet the requirement for consistent and reliable joining of mass production aluminum alloy vehicle bodies. Three of these techniques (mechanical fasteners, lasers and friction stir welding) are likely to make an impact in industrial processing over the next 5 years. FSW could be applied in the manufacture of straight-line welds in sheet and extrusions as a low cost alternative to arc welding (e.g. in the fabrication of truck floors or walls). The development of robotized friction stir welding heads could extend the range of applications into three dimensional components. Mishra et.al [4] extended the FSW innovation to process Al 7075 and Al 5083 in order to render them superplastic. They observed that the grains obtained were recrystallized, equiaxed and homogeneous with average grain sizes
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